Set your sales on the move with mCommerce

Set your sales on the move with mCommerce

In these quick-connection times, marketers could feel they are playing catch up, on repeat. Between reaching target audiences that are constantly on the move to keeping up with shape-changing pop culture, marketers have one unmoving mandate: Don’t get left immobile, always mobilise with change.

Fluid change propelled by fluid connections creates opportunities for companies and entrepreneurs to find more innovative ways to sell, and to strengthen and expand their online presence. With a digital partner such as Ebony+Ivory, mobile commerce or “mCommerce” for short, can put your business on the direct-to-buy track for trade.

In this short article we summarise why this mobile media channel is a must for marketers.

For a start, mCommerce is a branch of commerce that deals with the online transactions made from a smartphone. This offers a strong and straight forward value proposition that the marketer of today can hold in high esteem, as it encompasses the buying and selling of goods and services, through wireless handheld devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

As a form of eCommerce, mobile commerce enables users to access online shopping platforms without needing to use a desktop computer.

Business Insider points out that mCommerce volumes are predicted to rise at a 25.5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2019 to hit $488.0 billion (44% of eCommerce) by 2024. Revenue generated by mobile-based transactions is expected to reach $3.56 trillion this year, and up to 79% of smartphone users worldwide made a purchase online using their mobile devices in the last six months.

Taking a current and local view on mobile trade, the Ebony+Ivory Market Segmentation: South Africa Report says, “The ubiquitous nature of the mobile phone and the high incidence of these devices in even the most remote and impoverished communities represents the single most important media opportunity for marketers and advertisers in South Africa.”

Co-authored by media specialist, Gordon Muller, the report points out that the only media platform with reach levels to rival TV is the mobile device, as 98% of all adults in the country have access to a cellphone. Insights gained from Socio-economic Measures (SEM) data indicate that “in SEM_C1 85% of consumers have a mobile phone compared to only 61% with a TV set.”

When it comes to cellphones, the Ebony+Ivory Market Intelligence report further states that ultimately the real differentiator is functionality. “Incidence of smartphones is at its highest in SEM_C5 (94%) declining steadily down the SEM spectrum. Even at the low-end of the market one in every two cellphones (49%) is a smartphone. 92% of people accessing the internet in the past week have done so using a smartphone while only 12% made use of a desktop or laptop computer.”

These audience dynamics are pertinent in building a sound business case to invest in a business-fit mCommerce strategy. To add to this case for investment, here are five quick-reads around why mCommerce is one of the best moves that you can make for more transactional power:

  • Mobile commerce has the UX perk of offering newcomers and comeback customers absolute convenience to compare the pricing, consider product reviews, and to make purchases without the use of a computer.
  • It increases the customer retention ratio due to it being more easily accessible and part of everyday on-the-move life, while it gives marketers and communicators great access to user information.
  • The channel offers new browsers and current customers a wide variety of commodities and services, and more options for selecting a specific product.
  • mCommerce is fundamentally designed for transactional ease as it provides customers with multiple payment options.
    If structured, written, designed, and coded correctly for an entity’s unique structure and business processes, the mCommerce platform gives people access to all company and product information quickly and smartly, to help them make their best buying decision.
  • Upsell with effective mCommerce moves that remobilise once-off customers from being buyers to brand loyalists. Ask us how the Ebony+Ivory full-service marketing and media experience can set your sales soaring to reach new audiences connections, for next level sales volumes