6 Strategies to Convert Your Social Media Followers to Purchasers.

The shift from in-store to online business is a race to become an authority and market leader, especially in emerging e-markets. Not only can every business be a pacemaker in the race but multiple businesses can win simultaneously, if marketers make moves such as letting the likes of Social Commerce work.
With millions of people globally – and potential customers spending an unprecedented amount of time online, and at home unable to leave their homes except for activities deemed essential or urgent. Social consumers have more purchasing power than ever before. These customers have become more selective as their purchasing behavior has swiftly shifted from buying physically at the store to purchasing online. They care deeply on how they can make their lives easy by opting for purchasing items form apps, online stores or the likes of Facebook and Instagram.
According to recent social media statistics, Instagram and Facebook have become two of the top channels for people looking to research and buy products online. Consumers have become accustomed to the concept of social selling, which is good news for budding businesses and big brands alike.

The shift from in-store to online business is a race to become an authority and market leader, especially in emerging e-markets. Not only can every business be a pacemaker in the race but multiple businesses can win simultaneously, if marketers make moves such as letting the likes of Social Commerce work.
With millions of people globally – and potential customers spending an unprecedented amount of time online, and at home unable to leave their homes except for activities deemed essential or urgent. Social consumers have more purchasing power than ever before. These customers have become more selective as their purchasing behavior has swiftly shifted from buying physically at the store to purchasing online. They care deeply on how they can make their lives easy by opting for purchasing items form apps, online stores or the likes of Facebook and Instagram.
According to recent social media statistics, Instagram and Facebook have become two of the top channels for people looking to research and buy products online. Consumers have become accustomed to the concept of social selling, which is good news for budding businesses and big brands alike.