Make content work harder
Brands need magnetic content. This is content that draws people in with the potential to be shared in their social circles. There are no greater ambassadors than those who have shared in an experience and taken it in socially. The influence of a real human has a greater impact on behaviour than that of a brand pushing to make a sale.
Remember relevance and rewards
Relevance makes content magnetic. People share content that they find valuable, essentially sharing this value with their social circles. Another good way to keep people engaged on social platforms is to ensure that the brand celebrates and endorses their commitment to the brand. A mere mention online can do this and relevance, combined with recognition, reaps rewards.
You’re in my personal space
Social media is deeply personal. It pushes into personal space in the purest form and because of this there is no place for brands to gatecrash social worlds. A brand needs to be invited in and it is magnetic content that earns a brand or product the invitation to engage.
It’s simply a matter of having good old fashioned manners, isn’t it?