Fast tracking business growth for independent creative professionals who intimately understand, speak and translate South African diversity through communication.
In our industry we’ve got unbridled power through which we can tackle socio-economic problems with creative solutions. That’s one of the two big reasons why we have to fast-track new talent faster, with the second being the imperative to redress the imbalances of our country’s past.
At E+I we try to work with focus, pace and a healthy dose of humility. If it takes doing things differently to deliver beyond expectations we try to choose that road. While we have always been proud of our Level 2 scorecard we are stepping up our investment through establishing the E+I Empowerment Trust.
We are working to be transformative in a way that matters to current and future professionals in our industry.
Over and above supporting transformation through the traditional scorecard, E+I will pilot a hybrid empowerment model that provides business critical support to previously disadvantaged independents. Our creative business campus will give these creative, marketing and media business owners a safe, resourced space from which to seed new business growth.
Embedded in our agency structure and with a commitment of 25% of agency shares to the initiative currently, the Trust will fund the provision of administrative and mentorship resources to qualifying designers, copywriters; production managers; public relations professionals; digital/social media specialists; media strategists/planners; audio-visual/filmmaking communities; and account/project management professionals.
We believe that this bottom-up approach to agency transformation has the power to pry open more depth and breadth in the industry skills base. Being relational, it is by no means the easy route to bring about the much-needed industry change, but it harbours significant developmental power as the incoming industry talent pool grows in tandem with these small businesses.
Interested in being a part of the new hub?
Send us your vision for your creative business